Forums / Roleplaying / From Earth to Heaven

From Earth to Heaven
02:50:21 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

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found one item: document/sector1/holocard.hlc///
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[[Here is my attempt at a space game.]]

"Hello, viewers.  This is Joel T. Karvens, head of the space administration.  If you are watching this, then the solar system in which we hail from is a forsaken place, destroyed by the supernova predicted by almost all scientists.  Shortly before I started recording this, three freighters carried 50 million citizens out of Earth's atmosphere and to our base at Planet A.  No more frieghters were left, and the rest of us have to wait and see the outcome of the Sun's wrath.  The fact you are watching this proves that  this occured, and that you, meaning the people on the frieghters, to colonzie and lead the human race to success.  Your frieghters were given the technology to head a Sector 1, a small collection of stars we discovered that will be helpful in raising a grand empire.  Sadly, without more advanced technology, you will only be able to stay within THAT sector.  In other words, you are stuck there until you discover a better interstellar drive.  I enclosed a short video of everything you will need to know at the beginning.  If there are any other questions, refer to a professional or another holocard.  Thank you."


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From Earth To Heaven Guide:

In the beginning, you are one of the citizens on those frieghters.  From the beginning, you must find a way to produce food, set up the government, and save the human race from extinction.  Once on the planet, you get to decide what your role will be: Will you lead factions of the human race to glory, become the CEO of the greatest manufactorer of goods, or explore the vast territories of space?


When starting off, you msut choose between the several classes which help you in certain points in this game.

Civilian Classes:

Farmer - A Good Season - You make twice as much as money if you choose to farm.
Diplomat - Seat of Power - Your beginning job is one rank higher, if you decide to have a governmental job.
Scientist - Scientific Method - Machinery takes half the time to research if you choose to be an engineer.
Merchant - Supply and Demand - The materials you sell to others is 1/2 more expensive.


Agricultural Branch - You farm, kill animals, anything that gets food on people's table. Pays 200 credits per day.

Political Branch - You bicker with others to run a government.  Pays 150 gold per day.  Cheaper than the rest, but you might just become leader of your faction like this, and faster than the others.

Engineering Branch - You research into new technologies to advance your faction.  Pays 250.  A well paying job, but it leaves you with little free time everytime you start a project.

Economical Branch - You buy raw materials and sell them at unbelievably hig- I mean, LOW prices.  Pays 200.

Eventually, through these jobs, you will become leader of your faction.

FOOD - The first two days, food is provided by the military.  After that, you have to buy them.  Farmers can eat their own food, but lose half their pay.  You can go two days without food, but after that, you die and start over as a different person with the same attributes, same description, and same name. You just are broke.

Food Packet - 75 credit units.

Notice: If you do anything illegal, you have a chance of being caught.  Illegal - anything that involves get-rich-quick schemes, corrupting polititians, stealing products to sell, or using other schematics to use for your own good.

Estates: You must buy land to establish your foothold.

Small house = 300 credits - It has a warm bed, that's it.
Medium house = 500 credits - You can raise a family with this.
Mansion = - Just for looks. :-D Jk, you can store spaceships in these once you discover the technology.


Simply type up your charcter sheet like so:

Name: Han Solo
Class: Smuggler
Faction: Rebel Alliance
Description: Why do you need that?
Short Bio:  Punk, what's with you?


I haven't decided yet on the factions, but I need people to sign up first.


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03:08:16 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

system on///
file update routine commnce///
95% complete///
opening holocard document/sector1/holocard.hlc for updates///

Whoops, my bad.

MILITARY - You can enlist for training as a soldier.  You don't get paid anything, but you can be called in at times of war and be promoted.

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03:17:25 Jan 31st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Name: James Septim
Class: Politician
Faction: Cidellian Empire (can I have that faction? Pweaaaaaase? XD)
Description: 5'11, 185 lbs, brown hair, green eyes, remains of a burn injury that happened when the corvette he was commanding was nearly destroyed.
Short Bio:  Born forty-two years ago onboard the Cidellian heavy cruiser Harbinger to Captain George Septim and Commander Alice Septim, he spent most of his youth aboard ships, learning many things about them. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, he joined the Cidellian Navy, following in the footsteps of his parents, and rose to the rank of Fleet Admiral. In his long naval career, he fought and commanded ships in over twenty battles and almost one hundred skirmished. At forty, he retired from the navy and got into Cidellian politics. Shortly after that, he boarded one of the three ships, the Voyager, and went off to colonize Planet A, leaving Earth behind.

13:37:00 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Killer:

I'll sign up I suppose. I'll do the thingumabob once you've made factions. You put two Ns on the map.

15:25:34 Jan 31st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Class: Politician
Faction: Broniminan Empire (seeing as we are currently making up factions as there are none)
Description: Tall and thin, garbed in the infamous black cloak he always wears.
Short Bio: Demonsul is a distant descendant from Broniminan royalty. He hopes that with this unrest, he can take his 'rightful' place at the head of the Broniminan council.

22:34:32 Jan 31st 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Killer, that's a M.

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file creator activated///


The Military of Earth - The majority of soldiers from the major countries, these people hold most of the military power.  Due to hard living, they use violence instead of honorable virtue to gain their goods.
Bonus:  You automatically have military training.  You also have the ability to steal from other factions.
Consequence: You have a 50% chance of going to jail for two days if you choose to steal.

The University - Most of the scientists from Earth, this is the most technologicaly advanced faction.  They are having constant arguements with the zealots.
Bonus: Projects dates are shortened.
Consequence: Zealots are more likely to assault you.  Either than or annoy you.

The Believers - Crazed zealots of God, these people take dangerous risks to ensure that everyone believes.  The University is their greatest enemy.
Bonus: 'Donations' to their church allow you to have free food.  This way, you can spend your money on more important things.  You also have the ability to convert one civilization to your church's ways.
Consequence:  When converting, you have a 50% chance of accidentily making them follow the University.

The Peacekeepers - These people believe in equal rights to everyone, and that everyone should be treated fairly.  They are against the Military for their evil ways.
Bonus: It is easier to get a settlement to join you, due to the fact you aren't threatening them.
Consequence: You are more likely to be attacked by a soldier.

The Stock Exchange - Fat CEOs that hold a majority of the money from Earth.  Bandits continue to be a plague upon these rich men.
Bonus: You get DOUBLE PAY. Cha-CHING!
Consequence: As rich people, you want only the fienst food.  Therefore, food costs double.

Criminals - Theives and killers cleverly disguised as civilians, these ruthless men come to Planet A for no apparent reason, other than the urge to survive.  The Merchants are easy game to plunder for them.
Bonus: You already know how to fight.
Consequence: You have a 75% chance of being arrested for a day.

When more people sign up, I'll make a map of Planet A... which will be renamed soon...


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13:49:35 Feb 1st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Can nobody but the military and criminals steal?

22:48:44 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Gimme a moment, some day, I'll ahve the finaly manual made, and this will get started.]]

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